
The development of a business depends on the quality of its management Why and how to train in the management of your company? 

 In that order,  I’m here for you , i’am bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website .

My role is to steer the company, that is to say to take daily decisions and launch strategic actions that generally directly impact its cash flow: launch a communication plan, participate in a trade show, grant a discount to such or such client… Not to mention workforce manage. 

Beyond cash flow monitoring, the manager must also be able to monitor his accounting: keeping the general ledger and the journal, monitoring accounts by type of expenditure, setting up and analyzing dashboards to monitor accounting ratios and Management…


Posting a Blog on Recolta

If you’re a recolta running a small to mid-size firm, tax professional, bookkeeper in a firm or are looking to influence the profession in some way, we want you to become a guest blogger! Recolta is designed for accounting professionals in practice to teach and learn from each other. This is Your community, so be a part of it! Share your opinions, tips and tricks, daily frustrations… anything related to working in the accounting profession that will help out and even inspire other professionals in this field.

In short, what we ARE looking for are accounting professionals who want to blog, what we are NOT looking for are bloggers who think they can write about the accounting profession.

We do, however have some hard and fast rules we need you to follow:


At one time we had a more open blogging/submission policy, but over time we realized it was better for multiple purposes that ALL submissions must be seen and approved by an EDITOR. As such, if you are approved as a Blogger, please submit ideas to:


A few tips to get you started:

  • Know Your Audience — Keep your posts accounting-related and geared toward accountants in practice (i.e. not CFOs, internal auditors or finance departments)
  • No Research Papers — We want to read about YOUR personal experiences in the profession, so try to keep your tone casual and conversational.
  • Nothing Promotional — Please keep your content practical and useful, do not promote your firm, company or any particular product
  • Length of article — We have found that articles of approximately 1,000 words in length get the most attention from search engines and remain an easy read.

If you have any additional questions just email us, we are happy to help!

Editor’s Note: If you identify as a “professional blogger” or are simply looking for traffic to your own site or blog or just to build your own audeince, this is probably not the site for you. Thank you!